Address: 1087 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 76.

GPS-coordinates: É 47°28.962' K 19°6.133'

Mailing address: 1751 Budapest, Pf. 244.

Main site: 1089 Budapest, Vajda Péter u. 12.

General Conditions

You can find our main site according the map on the right.


Phone: (+36-1) 333-7153

Fax: (+36-1) 313-0739

Secretary: (+36-1) 323-0390; (+36-1) 477-2378

Production management: András Hebó: (+36-1) 477-2375

Technical management: László Rácz: (+36-1) 477-2375

Quality management: András Fülöp: (+36-1) 477-2377

Sales: Szilvia Völgyesi : (+36-1) 333-7153

Executive Director: Mátyás Bagyó: (+36-1) 333-7153

Szabadalakító Kovácsüzem Kft. Code & Design: ART JUPITER